September 10, 2008

A Fortnight Condensed

1. Began a new school year. So far kids are pretty cool. And we have a collection of 7th and 8th grade teacher assistants, so its nice to have help throughout the day. I've already changed 2 projects in my curriculum, and this reignites my motivation.

2. Kitties are still not friends. Nougat is totally into Pepper. Pepper wishes Nougat would go back to the pound. What a bitch. I'm trying to give Pepper her own loves, but she still won't get along with the little one.

3. My dear friend, and amazing cyclist, Jennifer lost her husband on Sunday. Ryan was rock climbing and fell. My heart is breaking for her. I love you very much, Juice! Ryan was your perfect partner and a funny ass story teller.

4. My other friend and racer extraordinaire, also a Jennifer (Featheringill) won the match sprints and 500m. TT at Master's Nationals. Great job keeping it in the Alpenrose family! Woo hoo!

5. I've made the decision not to train seriously this winter. I'm going off a formal training program. I want to ride still... for fun and fresh air. I might get back into a program next spring, maybe not. It's time to chase other activities. So if you hike, campy, ski, sled, walk, boat... invite me any weekend after Nationals! My goal is to do something active and outdoors every weekend possible.


Daily Roast said...

You will enjoy the time off. I know I did.